Candida Höfer på SKNY 2. februar – 16. mars 2019
2. februar 2019 - 16. mars 2019
Candida Höfer stiller ut sin soloutstilling In Mexico på Sean Kelly Gallery i New York.
Utdrag fra pressemeldingen:
«Internationally recognized for her meticulously composed, large-scale color images of architectural interiors, Höfer traveled to Mexico in 2015 to make this body of work as part of the cultural exchange program Mexico-Germany Dual Year, which brought different cultural, scientific, musical and educational projects to Mexican audiences in 2016-17.
For her first project in Mexico, Höfer traveled throughout the country photographing a diverse group of buildings that range from the Baroque extravagance of the Museuo Nacional del Virreinato to the Neoclassical order of Palacio de Bellas Artes Ciudad de México, with its Art Nouveau and Art Deco interiors. Capturing over 600 years of architectural history from her precise perspective, Höfer’s photographs document not only the physical details of these interiors but also capture the spirit and essence of each space.»
Utstillingen står fra 2. februar til 16. mars 2019.