Candida Höfer is for the moment exhibiting at Arendt House in Luxembourg
Arendt House in Luxembourg from 30 September 2017 to 28 January 2018
Playfair Library Hall University of Edinburgh, 1998, C-print, 62 x 80 cm, edition of 6
Are Blytt will attend a residency programme for artist in Brussels Belgium
Thorbjørn Sørensen har ferdigstilt flere store verk til Bardufoss helikopterbase og brannstasjon.
På bildet ser man akvarellene Stær, Løvetann, Kråke, Lemen, Spurv og Lønn utstilt i kombinasjon med fargefelt som også er laget av Thorbjørn Sørensen.
Sara Christensen will have a duo exhibition titled Parallel Alphabets with Werner Linster at Museum der Unerhórten Dinge in Berlin opening November 10
Museum der Unerhórten Dinge in Berlin November 10 - November 12
Anne-Karin Furunes participates at exhibition "Porto Marghera 100" in Venice Doge´s Palace
Doge’s Apartment 4 November 2017 – 28 January 2018
Anne-Karin Furunes, installation view, Porto Marghera II, 2017, acryllic on canvas, perforated, 340 x 168 cm -
Thorbjørn Sørensen participates at a group exhibition at Kikutstua, Nordmarka
The exhibition is titled " I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
The exhibition will be on view until December 17.
Come by us to get a map and more information and go for a walk in the woods.
Michael Sailstorfer is the winner of the August Macke Preis 2017
Global Groove 2: Dancing on the Event Horizon
Kjell Bjørgeengen participates in commemorate 12-hour visual performance. LIVE STREAM POSSIBLE
- Saturday, October 7, 2017 12:00 pm - Sunday, October 8, 2017 12:00 am
Location: CultureHub 47, Great Jones Street, 3rd FloorNew York, NY, 10012 United States
Axel Hütte
Night and Day
Museum Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf
23.09.17 - 14.01.2018
Bjørn-Sigurd Tufta er med på Høstutstillingen, 16. september - 15. oktober 2017
Bjørn-Sigurd Tufta, Sisyfos Variation III, 2014-16, olje på lerret, 228 x 183 cm -
Hvitsten Salong 2017 July 28 - July 30
Christian Messel og Christian Tony Norum er to av kunstnerne som deltar på Hvitsten Salong 2017 nå til helgen, håper mange tar turen.
Michael Sailstorfer opens new exhibition at Grieder Contemporary in Zürich
Please join us for our opening and Löwenbräu-cocktail
on Saturday, June 10, 5 - 8 pm
Michael Sailstorfer - Altenheim für Populisten
June 10 – July 28, 2017