Are Blytt is part of the Norwegian Pavilion at London Craft Week, 11-15 May, with the Oslo based exhibition platform PYTON
Blytt has curated the exhibition with Richard Øiestad.
Visit the pavilion at Gallery 5 at Cromwell Place, London.
Synnøve A. Aurdal, Are Blytt (feat. Hans Christian Skovolt), Jinbin Chen, Bernt Cluver, Liv Ertzeid, Ali Gallefoss, Lina Viste Grønli, Sverre Gullesen, Elisabeth Haarr, Gunnar Havstad, Edvin Helseth, Marte Johnslien, Sigve Knutson, Steinar Haga Kristensen, Tron Meyer, Henrik Ødegaard, Richard Øiestad (feat. Sigurd Ese), Julia K Persson, Martin Sæther, Kastler & Skjeseth, John Skognes, Oda Iselin Sønderland, Nebil Zaman -
Oslo Open 2022
23. - 24. april 2022
Besøk byens kunstnere på atelieret og se kunsten der den skapes!
Lørdag 23. april kan du besøke følgende kunstneres atelierer:
Sara Korshøj Christensen, Hovinveien 1, 0576 Oslo
Silje Linge Haaland, Vollaveien 19, 0668 Oslo
Anna Sofie Mathiasen, Østre Aker vei 90, bygning 6, 2. etg., 0596 Oslo
Eirik Senje, Hovinveien 1, 0576 Oslo
Stian Ådlandsvik, Ole Deviks vei 30, 0666 Oslo
Anne-Karin Furunes' work Calving Glacier II acquired by Nasjonalmuseet
We are excited to announce that Nasjonalmuseet has acquired the work Calving Glacier II by Anne-Karin Furunes!
The painting is part of the exhibition Reassembling Reality, which is open until Sunday, 13 February.
Anne-Karin Furunes, Calving Glacier II, Kongsbreen, Svalbard, 2018-22, acrylic paint and perforation on canvas, 240 x 445 cm. Based on a photograph by Mikael West Hammer, Norwegian Polar Institute.Anne-Karin Furunes, Calving Glacier II, Kongsbreen, Svalbard, 2018-22, acrylic paint and perforation on canvas, 240 x 445 cm. Based on a photograph by Mikael West Hammer, Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, not available -
Are Blytt stiller ut på Pyton
Are Blytt stiller ut verket Anti Krakk på Pyton (Vollsveien 13D, Lysaker) fredag 21. januar 19-21 Verket er i italiensk marmor og aluminium, og er produsert i Oslo og Roma.
Anna Sofie Mathiasen: 360
Kunsthall Oslo, 16th-19th of December, 2021
Anna Sofie Mathiasen opened her solo exhibition 360 at Kunsthall Oslo on Thursday 16th of December.
Press release:
"Kunsthall Oslo is very pleased to present 360, a solo exhibition by Anna Sofie Mathiasen, the third in our current series of Studio Reports.
“I am that distant mountain, I drink the blue of those trees that I can barely make out as distinct entities, I slip down the quarry way over there … the spin continues to the point of vertigo, the vertigo one gets in rare moments of life with 360 degree vision that annihilates and creates at the same time.” (from Autonauts of the Cosmopath,” Juan Cortàzar and Carol Dunlop, 1983)
Mathiasen’s installation 360 is an autofiction, a circular path and a series of drawings – based on found objects, memories and fragments – that concerns the possibility and impossibility of self-understanding. The motif of the circle alludes to a recurring desire expressed in the novels of Julio Cortàzar for “an absolute vision in which the ego would be annihilated and disappear,” and is echoed in a visual quotation from Eric Rohmer’s film The Green Ray, which also concerns the quest for a transcendent revelation." -
Bjørn-Sigurd Tufta is part of the exhibition "First The Good News" at KODE, Bergen
The exhibition is opening on the 3rd of December, 2021
Press release:
"Opens December 3rd: What have we bought up in the last two years? See the new acquisitions to KODE’s collection!
In 2020 and 2021 the Ministry of culture allocated extra funding for acquisitions to Norwegian art museums. For KODE this has meant a quadrupling of our procurement budget, and for the first time given us an opportunity to effectuate extensive acquisitions on the contemporary art scene, primarily from Bergen’s exhibiting venues and from artists with associations to Western Norway.
KODE is Norway’s second largest art museum, and has a magnificent collection that covers several centuries of art history. Our aim is to document the best of our contemporary art for posterity.
Each year the collection is augmented through acquisitions, donations and long-term loans. These additions increase our ability to convey essential stories related to art history. The quality and representative characteristics are some of the criteria that determine what works are chosen.In recent years KODE has undertaken a critical investigation into what is lacking or inequitably represented in our collections. A major number of the new acquisitions are thus works by women artists. We have also finally included several contemporary works by Sami artists in our collection.
In the exhibition, the public will find a broad range of diverse artistic genres, techniques and perspectives, from the 19th century to the present. Come in to view a selection of what we have chosen to preserve for posterity, and why.
Practical information
The exhibition is located in the main gallery in KODE 2.
Exhibition period: December 3rd, 2021 – March 13th, 2022"
Kunstnersamtale med Mikkel McAlinden på Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
2. desember 2021, kl. 19.00
"Bli med inn i kunsten etter åpningstid. Art After Hours inviterer til lavterskel kunstmøter for alle!
Fotograf Mikkel McAlinden i samtale med direktør Tone HansenMcAlinden regnes som en av Norges fremste fotografer. Han er representert med verket End game 1-4 (1999) i den aktuelle utstillingen Eksponert – 170 år med fotografi fra Møllersamlingen. Direktør Tone Hansen tar en prat med McAlinden – om verket i utstillingen og om kunstnerskapet.
Velkommen!Ordinær billett: 130 kr
Klubbmedlemmer: Gratis for deg og en venn"
Are Blytt is part of the exhibition "GROUPSHOW" in Cologne
17.11-21.11.2021. Thebäerstr. 42-44.
Are Blytt will show two paintings in the group exhibition that will take place during ART COLOGNE.
Curated by Béla Pablo Janssen and Tom Król.
Kjell Bjørgeengen og Unn Fahlstrøm stiller ut på House of Foundation, Moss
Vernissage 16. oktober kl. 14 og konsert 24. oktober kl 15
Utstillingen står til 5. desember 2021
Nan Goldin - Memory Lost
Oslo Negativ, Det Gamle Biblioteket, 1.-24. oktober 2021
We are proud to present Nan Goldins video Memory Lost (2019-2021) in addition to six photographs at the new photo festival Oslo Negativ.
Anne-Karin Furunes nominated for Ars Fennica 2021
ARS FENNICA 2021 Award nominees unveiled at Hämeenlinna Town Hall
The 2021 nominees for Finland’s most prestigious visual arts award, ARS FENNICA, were unveiled at Hämeenlinna Town Hall on Tuesday, August 17th, 2021.
The nominees are:
Eija-Liisa Ahtila, born 1959, Finland
Anne-Karin Furunes, born 1961, Norway
Jesper Just, born 1974, Denmark
Viggo Wallensköld, born 1969, Finland
Magnus Wallin, born 1965, Sweden -
Sara Korshøj Christensen deltar på Skulpturtriennalen 28.08 - 17.10.21
Sara Korshøj Christensens arbeider er ofte undersøkende kombinasjoner av forskjellige materialer, mening og form, ofte med en humoristisk lekenhet og med ubehagelige undertoner. De forskjellige fysiske materialene velges for sitt potensial til å kunne strekkes, og dermed åpne opp for betydningsforskyvninger. Christensens overbevisning er at humor skaper pustehull for refleksjon, og derfor er interessant som grunnlag for kunstnerisk utforskning. Skjønnheten og estetikken i hennes verk kan oppfattes som svært inviterende, men betrakteren blir ofte møtt med noe annet enn det man umiddelbart forventer.
Christensens verk i Skulpturtriennalen tilnærmer seg estetikken til neon-lyskilt, logoer og reklameskilt. Skulpturene er konstruert av runde stålstenger som er bøyd, sveiset og malt. På tross av materialets stålfasthet fremstår verkene myke og lette. En skulptur er festet på takryggen av Villa Furulund. Ved første øyekast kan den til forveksling likne en værhane, men motivet er ikke en galende hane, og den viser heller ikke hvilken vei vinden blåser. To sorte slanger slynger seg oppover, som på en merkurstav. Men ved nærmere ettersyn er det en ganske forvirret versjon av merkurstaven, medsorte svaner med buktende slangehoder toppet med to små blå fugler og et eple. I parken henger det også en drage: Tvi Tvi Twittrer fuglen som sitter på dens lange nese!