Stian Ådlandsvik is part of the exhibition Nomadic Mountains in Heerlen, The Netherlands
Opening: Saturday 30 june 2018, 5:00 PM
Since the beginning, humanity has sought solace in wild and desolate places. In a natural world which has been all but tamed by man, the Refuge is all that remains of this. Artist and guest curator Jean Bernard Koeman (1964) , in collaboration with SCHUNCK* and the Dutch Mountain Film Festival , has put together a dazzling exhibition, the central focus of which is the Refuge, a place of sanctuary in the wilderness. The Refuge is a structure, a shelter or a place where one can hide away. A documentary investigation into architecture above the 1848-metre line engages in a dialogue with works of art exploring mental spaces of at least the same height.
The exhibition is a curiously layered configuration of visual art and architecture and text documents. A number of side events (including films) and a Robert Smithson walk are also being organised. Nomadic Mountains shows the contemporary development of the mountain hut, where humans set the world in motion on foot. It also examines the mental condition of the artist and the museum inside; altitude poetics and building in the silence. Can an art museum also be a Refuge?
Works by: Armin Linke, Bastien Gachet, Bram Kinsbergen, Curdin Tones, Daniel V. Keller, Danila Tkachenko, Francesco Mattuzzi, Frank Koolen & Lieven Segers, Frank Mandersloot, Geert Goiris, Hans Schabus, Irene Kopelman, Karin Bos, Kelly Schacht, Lotte Geeven, Louis De Cordier, Marien Schouten, Matthew C. Wilson, Miek Zwamborn & Rutger Emmelkamp, Nico Dockx , Philip Metten, Pieterjan Ginckels, Rob Voerman, Roy Villevoye, Rudy J. Luijters, Rufina Wu & Stefan Canham, Sebastian Diaz Moralez, Stefaan Dheedene, Stefan Peters, Stian Ådlandsvik.